Amendment to DA2023/00001 - 50 Irvine Street - Alterations and Additions to a Single House
Posted: 16/12/2024 Closing Date: 02/01/2025 05:00 PM
The Shire of Peppermint Grove has received an amendment to the above approved planning application for Alterations and Additions to a Single House. The amendment is for refurbishment of the verandah and re-roofing of the single house and garage at the above address.
The trigger for the need for a development application is the heritage status of the place. The amendment works comply with the planning policy framework.
Plans for the proposal are available for inspection at the Shire Administration Office, 1 Leake Street, Peppermint Grove, Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8:30am and 5:00pm, or through the ‘have your say’ portal under the consultation tab on the Shire’s website
Unless otherwise extended, the advertising period will close on 2 February 2024. Written submissions can be lodged below and must be lodged within the advertising period to ensure they can be considered prior to determination of the application. Objections should articulate how you may be materially affected.
If you wish to discuss this proposal, please contact the Shire’s Development Services, Ph: 9286 8600 or email