DA2024/00027 - Single House, Pool House and Ancillary Works - 40 Keane Street/12 Bungalow Court
Posted: 23/12/2024 Closing Date: 19/01/2025 03:25 PM
I wish to advise that the Shire of Peppermint Grove has received a planning application for a proposed single house, pool house and ancillary works at the above address.
The proposal is seeking to vary the town planning scheme development requirement for sought to permit a third level that does not constitute a basement, the local planning policy no. LPP1 pertaining to garage door width, and the deemed-to-comply requirement of the Residential Design Codes for building height (wall height) and siteworks and relies on the corresponding design principles being demonstrated.
Unless otherwise extended, the advertising period will close on 17 January 2025. Written submissions must be lodged within the advertising period to ensure they can be considered prior to determination of the application. Objections should articulate how you may be materially affected.
The Shire will acknowledge any written comments received and the decision-making process will have due regard to submissions. Written submissions will be kept on file and could be subject to a Freedom of Information request, or form part of a Respondent’s Bundle should the matter be subject to review at the State Administrative Tribunal.