202106 - Local Planning Policy 7 - Improved Local Access to Service Subdivision and Redevelopment (Closed)
Posted: 04/06/2021 Closing Date: 02/07/2021 04:50 PM
Improved Local Access to Service Subdivision and Redevelopment in the Residential Zone (R10 & R 12.5) – draft LPP7.
On Tuesday May 25th the Council received and considered public submissions from the first round of advertising on the draft Local Planning Policy 7 (LPP7) and resolved to modify policy LPP 7. The policy was modified to take into account the issues raised by residents on the first draft.
Council resolved to write to all property owners abutting a laneway to update on the progress of the matter. LPP7 will only affect owners of land abutting a right of way who intend at some stage in the future to subdivide the property to create a rear lot.
The draft policy will be advertised for public comment on Friday 4 June.
A copy of the Council report and revised policy is here
You can make a written submission to the Shire or alternately lodge a submission through the Shire’s website under Have your say.
Council will consider submissions from this current round of consultation before adopting the policy in its final format.
Any comments should be provided in writing to the Shire by 2 July, 2021.